Automotive industry in Ventora

From Vanatas

Template:Short description

STAR factory rooftop test track

The automotive industry in Ventora is a significant component in the manufacturing sector within the economy of Ventora. The open free-market system in Ventora tends to result in fairly large numbers of relatively small companies. The nature of automotive manufacturing, however, has seen the development of several larger concerns, which provides economies of scale leading to greater efficiencies and, more importantly, lower cost products which have driven the success of those companies. The sector includes the production of automobiles, trucks, busses, and light equipment such as tractors.

History[edit | edit source]

Although there were Ventoran automobiles before 1900, they were hand-built, generally custom products, often purchased by the nobility. It wasn't until 1936, when Sociedad Tramullas de Automóviles Rallye (STAR) was formed, that any serious thought was given to manufacturing a product affordable to the masses. Even to this day, the company sells basic model vehicles to meet transport needs without encumbering their products with "unnecessary amenities".[1]

Some companies. Heavy equipment was always a niche, with heavy equipment now imported because not economical to produce locally.

Ventoran brands[edit | edit source]

STAR[edit | edit source]

STAR 600 hatchback, the company's most popular model

Ventora's leading automotive company is Sociedad Tramullas de Automóviles Rallye, more commonly known as STAR. The company produces affordable and easily maintained vehicles that serve well as basic transportation. Popularly called "Tramis" or "Trammis", they are favored particularly among the working and base classes. The vehicles are small with low power engines although the company is involved in motorsport, including the Grand Ralley Cup circuit. The original models had two-stroke engines, but since the mid-2010s standard engines use compressed natural gas (CNG) to reduce emissions. The 600 is the current model which includes two-door hatchback, two-door sedan, two-door convertible, and soft-top utility vehicle versions.

STAR's manufacturing facility in Malcinca, Tramullas is known for its roof-top test track. Every year in May STAR sells a limited number of tickets for people to drive a set number of laps around the company's rooftop test track. The company donates the proceeds to different charitable organizations selected for that year's event.

Bego[edit | edit source]

Namos Automotor[edit | edit source]

Truck manufacturers[edit | edit source]

Bus manufacturers[edit | edit source]

Agricultural equipment manufacturers[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Una STAR para ti [A STAR for you] (in Ventoran). Sociedad Tramullas de Automóviles Rallye. November 2021.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link)